Mar 14Liked by Kelly Rafferty

The RAGE I felt after that hearing - it's indelible in the hippocampus. I was looking for any excuse to get violent. Nice to read so many were in the same company. Thanks for your powerful writing, as always.

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It's interesting how available my memories of the hearing still are. I found out while writing this piece that Christine Blasey Ford has a memoir coming out next week called One Way Back -- https://bookshop.org/p/books/one-way-back-a-memoir-christine-blasey-ford/20598846?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpYjN-qNHHr68vYr8GaGcbwVdcvTkIZh1GFoY2m-gHcXI6vWgWeLe1EaApcyEALw_wcB

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Preordered!!! She lived right around the corner from me in Palo Alto during all this. They left for a long time right after the hearing (understandably), and it brought me a fair measure of solace to see how our neighbors rallied around her, shooed the press away, cleaned up shit thrown on her lawn, and welcomed her home with flowers and wreaths.

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I forgot that you were still in the Bay then! It's heartening to hear that the community took care of her.

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